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I am delighted to be able to finally inform you of the outcome of our recent OFSTED inspection.  The report confirms that we continue to be an Outstanding School.  Currently only 15% of primary schools in England are graded as outstanding.


The two day inspection process was rigorous with the inspector speaking to almost all of the children, observing playtimes and lunchtimes, observing lessons, conducting pupil interviews, completing book scrutinies, checking the website, interviewing staff and governors, reviewing the parental questionnaires and reviewing all relevant school documentation.


The inspector was beyond complimentary about the children, their behaviour, their attitude to school and the way in which they interacted with each other.


Behaviour is exemplary. Staff model high expectations. Pupils are polite and courteous as a result. OFSTED FEB 2023


You can read the full report here.


As always, I thank the children for being fantastic, the parents for the continued support, the governors for their unwavering dedication and support and the staff for their commitment to ensuring that the children receive an outstanding level of education.
