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Homework Timetable

✏️ Our homework in Year 3 will consist of reading, Mini Maths, English, RE & spellings. This will be sent to you via our Class Dojo story on a Friday and will be due in the following Thursday. Homework based on the foundation subjects may be set in addition. This will not be weekly. 

☑️ On a Friday, the mini maths assignments will be set for the entire week; this allows flexibility for students to complete a day's homework in advance, especially if they have after-school commitments. However, we would encourage children to complete it daily if possible, as research shows that 'little and often' is the most effective. We expect students to bring their homework books in every day. This will be sent out from this coming Friday. 


📖 The children will be using an online platform called Century Tech for their English homework; more details regarding this will follow in the coming weeks. Spellings will also be sent home on a fortnightly basis. This follows the Read Write Inc. Spelling programme we follow in KS2, which is taught over a two week cycle. The spellings set on a Friday should be practised ready for a spelling test the following Friday. 

