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Autumn learning

Our learning in the Autumn term...


Our Vehicle for this half term is “All about me...All about art"


Through this curriculum driver we will be looking traditional tales and familiar stories. We will look at poetry that connect to these stories and we will explore the different characters and settings. Alongside this, we will look at how we are the same and different to our new friends and we will create pieces of art to show this. We will also be using our senses to explore the world around us. We will look at other festivals and celebrations over this term, including Diwali.  



Religious Education

  We start the school year learning all about creation and how God made us in his image. Later in the year we learn about people who care for us. We think about who is important in our lives and we listen to who is important in our friends lives. We then move on to learning about advent where we prepare for the birth of Jesus. We will end the Autumn term celebrating Christmas and the birth of Jesus. 





Communication and Language

The development of children’s spoken language underpins all seven areas of learning and development. We support the children in learning new vocabulary and developing their spoken language through using ‘My Turn Your Turn’ and stem sentences modelled by the adults, role-play activities, lots of discussion and opportunities to ask questions. We learn new words each week in our Drawing club and we learn about rhyme and rhythm with our poetry and music lessons. We model full sentences with the children and show them how our body language can make them better communicators E.G eye contact


Personal Social and Emotional Development

Children’s personal social and emotional development is crucial for children to lead healthy and happy lives. We  support them to learn and develop their personal social and emotional skills through developing strong and supportive relationships with the adults in the class and their peers. Through stories and activities including ‘Circle Time’, they will identify and name emotions, and are supported to reflect on and self-regulate their feelings and behaviours. We will use practical resources to learn and talk about our feelings and learn how to manage negative feelings. 


Physical Development

This half term the children will  learn fundamental skills.

We encourage the children to get changed for PE themselves from the first half term, although we do allow them a couple of weeks of learning all the new routines first!

Please could you ensure that every item of PE kit and school uniform is clearly marked with your child’s name. As you can imagine – when 30 children are getting changed, it can be very difficult for them, and us, to match items of clothing with the correct child if it is not named. Thank you for your support with this.



THANK YOU. (children will come home in PE kits on a Friday.)


Next half term we will continue to look at fundamental and key skills, including throwing and catching.


Our children benefit from continuous provision and have access to the reception outdoor area freely in afternoons. Children practice, develop, and progress in gross motor skills with a range of physical development activities.


Physical Development is also about the development of fine motor skills, including holding a pencil correctly in order to write. The children participate in lots of activities which develop their fine motor, including threading, lacing, picking up small objects with child tweezers, dough disco, scissor skills.






Children are taught to read and spell through daily phonics – Read Write Inc. sessions. They will learn and practice recognising and sounding letters, use ‘Fred talk’ to read and ‘Fred Fingers’ to spell. 


Weekly read write inc homework will be set on the school website and your child will be assigned a group that matches their class work.



We will focus on many familiar texts and animations this year, which we will use to inspire our writing. We will be using Greg Bottrill's drawing club to aid our writing, vocabulary, love of stories and comprehension. 


Children will learn a new poem weekly. These poems connect to the book / tale/ animation focus. Children will listen to the poem, create actions for the poem, learn the poem and perform the poem. This helps to develop language, rhyming, performance skills and listening skills.




We follow the ‘Power Maths’ Scheme which focuses on mastering key skills which will allow children to gain a secure understanding before moving on, thus building the foundations for future learning. Throughout Autumn term, there is an emphasis on ‘number sense’, ensuring a solid grasp of numbers 1-5, including their composition – looking at the parts that make the whole number.


We will be looking at simple pattern's in our environment and then we move on to simple repeating patterns.


We use the CPA (concrete, pictorial, abstract) approach in math's as this allows the children to gain a sense of understanding and gives them the best opportunity to master each area of mathematics. We use concrete resources in most lessons and children work with a learning partner to ensure children do not feel under pressure in the lesson, but also to ensure children support each other and learn from each other. 



Understanding the World

We will  support the children to make sense of their physical world and their community through the stories that we learn in class. Through our traditional tales, we will look at similarities and differences of now and the past by looking at settings, characters and our own experiences. We will find places we read about on a map and create our own maps in class. We will be looking at our world and how this is similar or how this differs from our friend's worlds. We will provide the children with STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematical) activities and allow the children to investigate these where appropriate.


Expressive Arts and Design

Our Art focus this half term is to explore a range of art materials and create our own sculptures, paintings, models and drawings, all about ourselves. We learn about colour mixing primary colours to make secondary colours and how to make different shades of colour. 


A lot of time is spent, this term, teaching the children how to use the different art material correctly in order for them to be independent learners in future terms.


In Music, we will use the Charanga Music Platform to learn to sing along with nursery rhymes and action songs, to listen and respond to different styles of music, to play classroom instruments, and to demonstrate the learning that has taken place through sharing and performing.


