What our children say about us
Reception Class:
"It's good because we have wonderful teachers." (Matilda)
"I love this school and I love our yoga!" (Josh)
Year 1:
"It's really fun because at break time I get to play with my friends." (Teddy)
" I love it because we do maths and PE. The teachers help us to do the work." (Dylan)
Year 2:
"It's the best school because I have lots of friends and we have a big playground. I like saying my prayers." (Eddie)
"School is great! First, because of the teachers, they teach great lessons and make it fun. Second, because of the learning - we learn new skills all of the time. Yesterday I learned how to debate in history!" (Theo)
Year 3:
"All of the teachers help us. I love art and DT." (Macy)
"The maths is great and I like the teachers. I like playtimes and enjoy everything about RE." (Rufus)
Year 4
"There are loads of kind people and you can always make friends easily. We are a very thoughtful school and always raise money to help others who may be less fortunate than we are." (Lexi)
"If you are ever worried or stuck on something then the teachers will always help you. We do a lot of work with the Mini Vinnies to help others." (Martha)
Year 5
"Our subjects are always exciting and fun which makes sure that we enjoy our learning. I'm always excited to move on to the next lesson. I enjoy art and have enjoyed drawing and working with clay." (Lucy)
Year 6
"I enjoy school. I like the range of subjects as we do every subject regularly e.g. computing, Spanish, art, DT, Pe, etc. I like that we celebrate Saints' days and feast days. We always work to celebrate the Catholic life of the school." (Maisie)
"I like school. The work can be challenging but the teachers help us to achieve our best. The best bit is that I get to see my friends!" (Lucas)