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Summer Term

Our Summer Term Learning


Our RE units this term are Easter, Pentecost, Sharing Jesus' Life and Following Jesus Today. We will begin by expanding our knowledge of Easter and the importance of the Resurrection and its message. During Pentecost, we will learn about the Holy Spirit as a gift that brought about change in the lives of the disciples. We will also reflect upon how we celebrate and receive that gift in our lives today. We will then develop our understanding of the way in which we, as Christians, are called to share in the life of Jesus. Our final unit will further our understanding of how we belong to the Church, particularly the Sacrament of Baptism and how this welcomes us into God’s family.


We will compare and measure the height and length of objects using non-standard and standard (cm) units of measure. We will then extend our understanding of measurement by introducing the ideas of weight and volume; using uniform non-standard units (such as cubes and cups) to measure weight and capacity.

Multiplication and division
We are going to develop our understanding of multiplication as repeated addition and explore the difference between equal and not equal groups. Our knowledge of skip counting in 2s, 5s and 10s will help us find the total of multiple groups and doubles. Building on the concept of equal groups, we will learn about division in the context of sharing equally.  

Half and quarters
Our learning about halves and quarters will be applied to both shape and groups of objects. This unit lays the foundations for later learning about fractions. We then practically apply this by exploring position and direction, where we will describe rotations as quarter, half, three-quarter and whole turns.

Numbers to 100

This unit builds on our previous number work, in particular numbers to 50 and addition and subtraction. We will investigate patterns in 2-digit numbers, specifically focusing on 1 more and 1 less, and 10 more and 10 less, before moving on to partition numbers and identify the place value of digits. We are going to first compare two 2-digit numbers and then three or more numbers up to 100. Finally, using our knowledge of number bonds to 10 we will explore number bonds to 100.  

Time and Money
We are going to develop our ability to tell the time by reading an analogue clock. We will strengthen our understanding of the hands of a clock, including the second hand and explore units of measurement of time (hours, minutes and seconds). Finally, we will learn to recognise coins and banknotes and understand their relative and absolute values. 





In History we will be exploring events beyond living memory that are significant nationally or globally and think about how they have impacted our lives.  We will look at the First Flight 

of the Wright brothers, Amelia Earhart and Amy Johnson. We will then use this to explore how this has impacted our own lives. 


Design Technology

In DT we will be designing and making a fairground ride, thinking about how to make our structure safe and strong. We will finish the term with an inventors challenge where we will have some freedom to think about and create an invention that solves a problem we have researched! 


We will be investigating pulse, pitch and note duration (long and short).  Our unit focus is: What Songs Can We Sing to Help Us through the Day? We will be learning songs based around this theme, such as, 'Getting Dressed', 'Dress Up', 'Brush Our Teeth', 'Get Ready', 'Up and Down'. We will also continue to learn to play the glockenspiel to develop our improvisation and composition skills.

In computing, we are looking at coding and how to use code to make a computer program. We will also be exploring what a spreadsheet program looks like and using 2Calculate to record data. Finally, we will think about how technology is used outside of school. We will walk around the local community to find and record examples of technology.
