Tuesday 2nd March
Look at the timetable and scroll down to find all of today's lessons!

Remember today is... PYJAMA DAY! Stay cosy in your favourite PJs all day!
Literacy with Miss Mason - Tuesday 2nd March

Tuesday 2nd March - Maths - Compare Heights Activity
Today's lesson introduces comparing height to the children, using key vocabulary, such as tallest and shortest. You won't need any equipment for this lesson other than household objects when prompted in the video. Send photographs of your learning on Class Dojo portfolio. Enjoy Year 1!
Compare Heights Activity

Daily Reading
Children should be reading for at least ten minutes daily. In school, we are all reading (teachers too!) between 1:20 - 1:30pm each day. We have now allocated books to the children in KS1 on Oxford Owl. This will give the children access to read books appropriate to their level. We have allocated a RWI book and a home reader, just like the children would have if they were in school. You can find these books on the Oxford Owl website under 'Read Write Inc. eBook Library'. Please read the books your group has been allocated for the week. New books will be allocated each week on a Monday morning. I will send out children's new Read Write Inc. groups on Class Dojo. Please click on the document below to find this week's books.
P.E - Tuesday 2nd March
You can choose what you'd like to do for your P.E lesson today, whether you want to get your heart pumping with P.E with Joe, relax and stretch with Cosmic Kids Yoga (see links below) or go for a lovely walk with a family member. Whatever you choose to do, I hope you have fun Year 1!
Live Story Time!
Log onto Google Classroom at 2:30pm. Now sit down and relax with a cup of juice and a biscuit and enjoy a story with the lovely Miss Rawle.