Friday 15th January
Look at the timetable and scroll down to find all of today's lessons!
Literacy with Miss Mason - Friday 15th January
Share a Story - Literacy - Friday 15th January
Friday 15th January - Maths - Add ones using number bonds (2)
Here is part two of yesterday's lesson! Please work through today's White Rose video below and then complete questions 5 & 6 on the worksheet (I have attached this again below). Once you've finished, send a photo to me via Class Dojo Portfolio. Keep up the hard work Year 1, I'm so proud of you!
Add ones using number bonds
Music - Friday 15th January
We will be using Charanga Yumu for our music learning at home, I have sent you all of your log in details via Class Dojo. You can find more information about Yumu here:
Log into your account at:
This week, listen to and learn some of the songs suitable for 5-7 year olds in the learning pack. You may also want to create an avatar on Charanga Musical World & explore the different instruments you may like to learn! Have fun exploring Yumu this week.