Excellent Remote Learning
Parent Feedback
86% of parents feel that their child has settled into a good routine for remote learning.
100% of parents feel that we have clearly explained how to access remote learning.
96% feel that the school continues to have high expectations for its students during this period.
99% of parents feel that there is a good range of subjects covered by our remote learning.
89% of parents would recommend St Thomas' remote learning to other parents.
"Such a fantastic job by St Thomas’ with virtually no notice!! Well done and thank you!"
"Thank you so much to all the school for their amazing job teaching online it has been
fantastic. I feel very lucky that my child goes to St Thomas' especially as we have been doing the online lessons from March....great school, great staff ..thankyou!"
"I think the school have been amazing in providing the best possible online education."
"I feel that all of the staff are doing a tremendous job in these difficult times. To have all the
home learning and live lessons arranged for the Tuesday morning following the
announcement on Monday evening was amazing. This just shows the level of dedication the
staff put in."