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Sacramental Preparation

As a Catholic school, we work in partnership with yourselves and the church to prepare your children to receive the sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion in Year 3 and the sacrament of Confirmation in Year 6. 


Fr Eric will outline the preparation that the children will participate in at a meeting on;

3rd November - 3:30pm for First Holy Communion candidates

4th November - 3:30pm for Confirmation Candidates


Both classes will study and prepare for the sacraments through their RE lessons, children recieving the sacraments will recieve extra preparation classes through clubs run during the Spring/Summer terms. During these sessions we focus on the sacrament through discussion, liturgy and art projects. 


The Sacraments will take place on;

Wednesday 7th June - 7pm, St Giles - Confirmation. 

Saturday 10th June - 12:15pm, St Thomas' - First Holy Communion. Drinks and Cake to be served in the school hall afterwards.


More details will be sent closer to the dates. 
