Wednesday 3rd February
Look at the timetable and scroll down to find all of today's lessons!
Literacy with Miss Mason - Wednesday 3rd February
British Sign Language - Days of the Week
Just as I showed you in today's Literacy lesson, here's an extra challenge for your days of the week learning! Can you learn how to sign each day of the week?
BSL - Days of the Week
Daily Reading
Children should be reading for at least ten minutes daily. In school, we are all reading (teachers too!) between 1:20 - 1:30pm each day. We have now allocated books to the children in KS1 on Oxford Owl. This will give the children access to read books appropriate to their level. We have allocated a RWI book and a home reader, just like the children would have if they were in school. You can find these books on the Oxford Owl website under 'Read Write Inc. eBook Library'. Please read the books your group has been allocated for the week. New books will be allocated each week on a Monday morning. If you are unsure which group your child is in, please don't hesitate to message me on Class Dojo! Please click on the document below to find this week's books.
Wednesday 3rd February - Maths - Numbers to 50
Work through the Numbers to 50 video below and then have a go at the attached worksheet. When you've finished, send me a photo of your completed work on Class Dojo! CHALLENGE: Log into your Purple Mash account, click on 2Dos and complete '2Do: Weds 3rd - Matching digit to words'.