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Catholic Life

Painsley MAC Prayer

As one Church family we:


Pray together

Act together

Inspire all through the Holy Spirit

Nourish through the Eucharist

Share our faith

Learn to love like Jesus

Embrace the word of God

Yearn for the love of the Father

Mini Vinnies visiting The Old Vicarage to make Christmas Crafts with the residents

Our Year 3 & Year 6 Pupils who have celebrated their First Holy Communion and Confirmation

Year 6 Confirmation Retreat - Saturday 11 March 2023

CAFOD - Big Lent Walk

The children have enjoyed having David Worrall from CAFOD visit us again today. David has told us all about the CAFOD Lenten appeal to help fight global poverty. The campaign is called 'The Big Lent Walk'

We are busy plotting routes around Tean for our children to walk during next half term, we are lucky to have some wonderful footpaths which we can use. Raising money and fitness - what could be better?

More information about this will follow after half term.

This campaign links beautifully to our Catholic Social Teaching of Family, community and participation this half term.

Prayer Bears & Bags

At St Thomas' we encourage prayer with the family through the use of our prayer bags. Each class has their own prayer bag and prayer teddy which ared used at home. 

Mini Vinnies at St John's for Mass on Tuesday 27 September
