Monday 1st March
Look at the timetable and scroll down to find all of today's lessons!
Literacy with Miss Mason - Monday 1st March
Monday 1st March - Maths - Compare Lengths Activity
Today's lesson introduces comparing length to the children, using key vocabulary, such as longest and shortest. You won't need any equipment for this lesson, other than a spoon and other household objects when prompted in the video. Send photographs of your learning on Class Dojo portfolio. Enjoy Year 1!
Compare Lengths Activity
Daily Reading
Children should be reading for at least ten minutes daily. In school, we are all reading (teachers too!) between 1:20 - 1:30pm each day. We have now allocated books to the children in KS1 on Oxford Owl. This will give the children access to read books appropriate to their level. We have allocated a RWI book and a home reader, just like the children would have if they were in school. You can find these books on the Oxford Owl website under 'Read Write Inc. eBook Library'. Please read the books your group has been allocated for the week. New books will be allocated each week on a Monday morning. I will send out children's new Read Write Inc. groups on Class Dojo. Please click on the document below to find this week's books.
R.E - Monday 1st March
This half term we are celebrating the virtues: Attentive and Discerning. Explore what these words mean together at home using the PowerPoint below. Reflect on you can use your gifts to practise these virtues.
Geography - Monday 1st March
This week our Geography learning focuses on weather patterns. Work through the PowerPoint together at your own pace and then have a go at completing your own weather diary. Can you record the weather for every day this week? I'd love to see you recordings on Class Dojo, Year 1!