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Autumn Term

Our Autumn Term Learning 2024

Our Autumn vehicle is centred around designing and marketing a new milkshake flavour for Hygge in Tean! Get your thinking hats on as we will be sampling some yummy milkshakes! 


Our RE units this term are Creation, Families and Celebrations, Prayer and Advent. We will begin by learning and sequencing the story of God's creation. We will then link this to the story of St Francis of Assisi and write our own prayers and psalms surrounding this. During our Families and Celebrations unit, children will understand that Mass is an important celebration for God’s family and learn how to describe the different words, actions and gestures that take place. We will also reflect upon Jesus’ life and how His family and friends celebrated together. We will then develop our understanding of prayer by hearing some traditional prayers. We will reflect on what we want to thank and ask God for in prayer and include these thoughts in our own prayers. Our final unit will develop our understanding of Advent as a time of waiting and preparation for the celebration of the birth of Jesus.


We will begin by exploring the story 'The Colour Monster' by Anna Llenas. This will enable us to talk about our emotions and role-play different feelings experienced by the characters. We will then move onto our poetry unit where we will learn traditional rhymes, such as those used for clapping and skipping games. We will learn to appreciate rhymes and recite some by heart. During the term, we will also be studying the following genres of writing: narrative setting description, non-chronological reports and recounts.

Throughout the term we will be covering the following units:

Unit 1 – Numbers to 10

Unit 2 – Part-Whole within 10

Unit 3 – Addition and subtraction within 10 (1)

Unit 4 – Addition and subtraction within 10 (2)

Unit 5 – 2D and 3D shapes

Unit 6 – Numbers to 20

We begin our scientific learning by exploring the four seasons. We will learn to name and identify the seasons and describe the key features of each. By creating our own rain gauge and learning how to measure temperature, we will collect data to create a class graph about the weather patterns over the course of the year. During the Autumn term, we will also be learning about everyday materials. We begin by identifying different types of materials and describing their properties. Investigations will also be carried out, for example, to test the transparency, absorbency and waterproof qualities of materials.

We will be studying the work of significant artist, Henri Matisse. We will use inspiration from his work to create a range of exciting artwork using different media, such as pastels, water colours, print making and collage. We will then begin a short unit about the craft designer, Emma Bridgewater.

Design & Technology
Our first project will be focused around textiles. We will develop our technical skills of cutting, glueing, stapling and pinning to join fabrics together. We will use these skills to create our own hand puppets.

This term we will be thinking all about our local area and where we live in the world. We will begin our geography learning by exploring how maps are used and learning the compass points: North, South, East and West. We will then focus on Tean and use fieldwork to observe what our local area is like. By exploring the area ourselves, we will look at the different types of housing and jobs and create our own pictograms to represent this. 

We will begin our history topic by learning to sequence events in chronological order and develop an understanding that history is everything that has happened in the past. Next, we will identify similarities and differences between ways of life in different periods of time, e.g. toys, food and school life. We will also explore what life was like for children in the past, as well as identifying changes in the local area.

We will begin by learning about what pulse is and how we can identify this within a piece of music. Our unit focus is: How Can We Make Friends When We Sing Together? We will learn to perform songs, such as, 'Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes' and 'We Talk To Animals.' In the second half term, we will focus our learning around rhythm and pitch. This unit is titled: How Does Music Tell Stories about the Past?

For our computing lessons we will be using an online scheme called 'Purple Mash'. We will begin with a unit focusing on online safety, where children will learn how to log in and out of their account safely and save their work to their own folders. We will also be exploring what a spreadsheet program looks like and use 2Calculate to record data. Next, we will think about how technology is used outside of school. We will walk around the local community to find and record examples of technology. Our final unit is called 'Lego Builders'. We will learn how to follow instructions on a computer and know that an algorithm written for a computer is called a program.

Our PE lessons are on a Wednesday and a Thursday. Please make sure you have a labelled PE kit and bottle of water.
