Spring Term Curriculum
Here is our curriculum overview for the Spring term:
We Listen to God's Word at Mass
This unit involves the children in thinking about listening and finding out about the Liturgy of the Word at Mass. Through this topic they will explore the value and the importance of listening to the Word of God in the Scriptures.
The unit is designed to help the children appreciate that during Lent Christians resolve to change and try to become more like Christ. The children will be introduced to new Gospel stories about Jesus bringing change into the lives of people he encountered.
In English, we will have opportunities to write in a variety of genres and different view points.
The genres we are covering in Spring term are:
- Letter (Recount)
- Narrative Character Description
- Non-chronological report
- Persuasive Text
- Poetry
We will model a detailed writing process in our own writes, beginning with analysis of the genre, followed by exploring the grammatical skills that will add to the genre's effect. We then move on to a detailed writing experience, including drafting, editing and publishing our writing. Reading is also essential to the writing process. We will have regular opportunities to read for pleasure, read for understanding - through comprehension, and read for fluency via our PALS reading process.
Throughout the term we will be covering the following units:
Unit 6: Multiplication and Division (3)
Unit 7: Length and Perimeter
Unit 8: Fractions (1)
Unit 9: Mass
Unit 10: Capacity
Our science unit this term is Forces and Magnets. We will study the different forces in our world and experiment with magnets of different strengths.
The Stone Age – we will look at how this period of time saw great changes. We will study the 3 main time periods and how the development of farming led to many settlements. We will study the discovery of bronze and iron which supported human kinds' development.
We will focus on the water cycle.
We will study the process carefully and look at differing examples across the globe.
We will study how music helps the world to be a better place.
In art we will study the work of Andy Warhol and the Pop Art movement – our focus will be on the bold, bright and brash colours in use and the different styles of work which Warhol was famous for.
As part of our DT study we will be looking textiles. The task will be to create a cushion using sewing techniques such as cross stitch and applique.
We will be using Purple Mash to improve our typing skills, accessing and using email and introduced to branching spreadsheets.
Our PE days are Monday and Thursday. We will be studying gymnastics this term and also continue to practise our fundamental movement skills using the Real PE scheme.
Our work this term will focus initially on instruments, learning names and how to say 'I play'. In the second half of the term we will develop our language skills by learning to write and say 'I know how to...'