Friday 26th February
Look at the timetable and scroll down to find all of today's lessons!

Literacy with Miss Mason - Friday 26th February

Friday 26th February - Maths - Count in 5s
Work through the White Rose video below. Afterwards, have a go at completing the worksheet. Once you've finished, send me a photo on Class Dojo! OR if you wish to approach learning in a different way, click on the Power Maths document below and complete 'Lesson 2: Counting in 5s' together.
Count in 5s

Daily Reading
Children should be reading for at least ten minutes daily. In school, we are all reading (teachers too!) between 1:20 - 1:30pm each day. We have now allocated books to the children in KS1 on Oxford Owl. This will give the children access to read books appropriate to their level. We have allocated a RWI book and a home reader, just like the children would have if they were in school. You can find these books on the Oxford Owl website under 'Read Write Inc. eBook Library'. Please read the books your group has been allocated for the week. New books will be allocated each week on a Monday morning. I will send out children's new Read Write Inc. groups on Class Dojo. Please click on the document below to find this week's books.
Music - Friday 26th February
Log into your Charanga Yumu account: Click on the 'Round and Round' package and launch Step 1. This week, I'd like the children to Listen & Appraise the song 'Round and Round'. Children should listen, explore 'about the song' and then verbally answer the questions.
Next, click onto 'Warm Up Games: Round and Round' and enjoy completing Challenge 1 together. Have fun finding the pulse, clapping rhythms and warming up your voices. You may also want to have a go at the 'Flexible Games Track' - working your way through the Bronze, Silver and Gold challenges!
Finally, click onto 'Learn to Sing the Song' and practise Verse 1. Send me videos/photos of your music lesson on Class Dojo Portfolio. Enjoy Year 1!