Friday 29th January
Look at the timetable and scroll down to find all of today's lessons!
Literacy with Miss Mason - Friday 29th January
Friday 29th January - Maths - Compare number sentences
We have done lots of learning surrounding the greater than, less than and equal to (> < =) symbols together in class. As a reminder, enjoy watching the following episode of Number Blocks here: Blockzilla.
Work through the White Rose video below. Afterwards, have a go at the attached worksheet. Once you have finished, send a photo to me on your Class Dojo Portfolio.
Compare number sentences
Daily Reading
Please continue to read for at least ten minutes every day. In school, we are allocating 10 minutes to reading our own books at 1:20 - 1:30pm each day (including the teachers!) You may choose to listen to your child read books you have at home or use Oxford Owl to access RWI and other books online.
Oxford Owl
Username: class1thomas
Password: class1thomas
Read Write Inc.
If you'd like a change from the online videos today or would like more phonics practise, click on the link below. This will take you to our RWI resources page. Select Set 1, 2 or 3 sounds and use the PowerPoints to practise your speed sounds, red words, green words and alien words at your own pace. Enjoy!
Music - Friday 29th January
Log into your Charanga Yumu account: Click on the 'In The Groove' package and launch step 2. This week, I'd like the children to Listen & Appraise the song 'Let The Bright Seraphim by Handel'. Children should listen to the song, explore 'about the song' and then verbally answer the questions.
Next, click onto 'Warm Up Games In the Groove: Baroque' and enjoy completing Challenge 2 together. Have fun finding the pulse, clapping rhythms and warming up your voices. You may also want to have a go at the 'Flexible Games Track' - working your way through the Bronze, Silver and Gold challenges!
Finally, continue to 'Learn to Sing the Song - In The Groove'. Send me videos/photos of your music lesson on Class Dojo Portfolio. Enjoy Year 1!