School uniform
School Uniform
There is a smart and serviceable school uniform that we do expect the children to wear in school and when participating in school activities. All clothing should be clearly marked with the child’s name.
All items of school uniform can be purchased at ‘Something Special’ (Tel: 01538 752840).
Girls: School v-neck sweater or cardigan (royal blue) with school badge, blue/grey check skirt/kilt or pinafore dress, white shirt, school tie, grey socks or tights in winter and black shoes (a blue gingham dress may be worn during summer). PLEASE NOTE CULOTTES, OR CULOTTE STYLE DRESSES/PINAFORES ARE NOT ALLOWED.
Boys: School v-neck sweater with school badge, grey trousers/shorts, white shirt, school tie. Grey socks and black shoes.
Indoor PE uniform – all children
Black shorts with blue t-shirt with school badge, royal blue leotard (optional), grey socks (white sports socks can be worn) and black pumps.
Outdoor PE uniform – children in Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 (this is additional to the indoor PE kit)
Royal blue football socks and outdoor training shoes. Shin pads are required for football and hockey.
Also available for outdoor PE/Games and extra-curricular activities (Years 3, 4, 5 and 6)
Royal blue fleece top (optional) with school badge.
Royal blue ‘hoody’ with school badge (optional).
Hair-styles which are considered unsuitable by the Principal are not allowed. Short hair must not be less than a grade 3 cut, and any girl or boy with long hair must wear it tied back with a brown/black/blonde bobble or school colour bobble, eg blue or blue gingham (summer uniform). Fashion haircuts, such as steps, lines and shaved styles are not allowed. Under no circumstances must a pupil dye, colour, streak or highlight his/her hair. Children should not wear hair gel.
Jewellery should not be worn and the wearing of ear studs/rings is not allowed.