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Spring Term



Multiplication and division

This unit builds on exploring written and mental calculation strategies for multiplying and dividing. Children explore in depth the distributive and associative properties of multiplication. The learning progresses from Year 3, where children used expanded methods for 2-digit × 1-digit numbers, to Year 4 where they are using the compressed single line (standard) formal multiplication. Children learn to solve more complex problems building on n objects related to m objects, find all solutions and notice how to use multiplication to solve questions. Children use partitioning to divide 2- and 3-digit numbers by a 1-digit number.


This unit introduces the concept of mixed numbers and improper fractions. Children will explore what happens when a fraction is more than 1 (that is, the numerator is greater than the denominator). They will use this to write, compare and order mixed numbers and will then look at how mixed numbers can be written as improper fractions and vice versa. Children will then move on to equivalent fractions using fraction strips and a fraction wall to aid understanding of fraction families. Following this, children will further develop their understanding of how to simplify fractions.


This unit is important as it is the first time children have encountered decimals and therefore the decimal point and the tenth and hundredth columns. It sets the foundations for key concepts and future units, where children will be asked to order and round decimals as well as work with decimals.




The children will embed the punctuation and grammar focus of the Autumn term into this term. They will continue to have 3 PALS (Peer, Assisted, Learning, Strategy). sessions a week, where the verbally practice summaries, inferring about the text, retrieving information and predict what could happen next. They will also be guided in these sessions to focus on the expression of the voice and fluidity of the reading in particular.


In writing the children will continue to explore plot and character within the fictional writes, whilst applying direct skills taught e.g. figurative language, parenthesis, conjunctions, adverbials, expanded noun phrases, use of commas, apostrophes to show possession and omission as well as experiment with different sentence structures and lengths to add to the overall effect of the written piece.


We will link a range of fictional and non-fictional books that will be read alongside the writing process, to hopefully inspire the children as writers.


Specific genres covered in Spring will be:

Letter -Charlie in the Chocolate Factory

Character description – Krindlekrax

Non-chronological report – Ancient Egyptians




The children will be looking at States of Matter in Science in Spring 1. The children will practically sort materials into solids, liquids and gases. They will identify the particle arrangement in each state of matter e.g. in a solid, the particles are closely packed together. Through experiments, the children will identify that not all liquids behave in the same way, that heating and cooling can cause the material to change state.


The children will use thermometers to measure the temperature of different liquids. Within our science unit, we will be revising the water cycle, practically looking at condensation and evaporation, identify where they happen. 





Time to delve into the time of the Ancient Egyptians!


The children will identify the ancient Egyptians as one of the earliest civilizations. Hey will be looking at the society and culture of the people, identifying that in Ancient Egypt, people with certain jobs were more important than others and that Egypt was divided into a hierarchy, with the Pharaoh at the top and slaves at the bottom. They will explore a range of primary sources that show that Ancient Egyptians developed a writing system known as hieroglyphics. We will look at the ancient Egyptian religion, attitude to warfare and their everyday life.




Study on North America


The children will use maps to locate North America on a map and identifying the countries of North America. They will be exploring the Rocky Mountains range, the effects of the Mt St Helen’s eruption and comparing the landscapes of US states (New York in particular).


Other focuses in the study include:

  • Significant features (Hoover Dam, Grand Canyon)
  • Climate zones
  • Features in Mexico and Canada


Fieldwork & Geographical skills:

Use maps, atlases, globes and digital mapping to identify the location of North America and to

differentiate between North America and the USA. We use maps and atlases to zoom in to the location of different states and also to make links between the climate zones and the location of different places.



Stephen Wiltshire


We will be learning about the famous British artist Stephen. The children will begin by looking at his art and learning about how he worked though creating a double -page spread on him.  They will ask and answer the following questions: What is a cityscape? What is an urban area? How did Stephen mark make? What media did he use and why?

Th children will then enter the experimentation stage of art. They will work in Wiltshire’s style, while developing their own.


They will following the following learning objectives:

  • To use lines, tone and mark marking
  • To experiment with colour
  • Children use rulers to experiment with using straight lines for effect
  • Experimenting with colour to depict a natural landscape
  • To develop my own ideas, experiences and imagination


Design and Technology – sling shot car


The Children’s Design Brief: make a self-powered ‘slingshot car’, including the design and construction of the car body, to race against your classmates.


The acquired knowledge from this unit will be:

  • A slingshot release mechanism will power the car. A mechanism is a collection of parts that move together.
  • A chassis is the frame of a car on which everything else is built.
  • Air resistance is the force that acts in the opposite direction to an object moving through the air.
  • A net can be used to create a car model.
  • A net needs to fit to the chassis and can be assembled effectively using well designed tabs.
  • Products are completed with a high quality finish to be aesthetically appealing to the target user.
  • Know that products need to be tested before they can be used.




Spring 1 – spread sheets


The acquired knowledge of this unit will be:

  • Adding a formula to a cell automatically makes a calculation in that cell.
  • Tools can be used to enhance number games.
  • Data in a spreadsheet can be used to create a line graph.
  • Spreadsheets can be used to solve real life problems.


Spring 2 – Internet, software 


The acquired knowledge of this unit will be:

  •    The internet is a network of networks.
  • The World Wide Web is part of the internet where we can visit web pages and websites.
  • Websites and their content are created by people.
  • Not all information online is honest, accurate, or legal.






The children will explore and create their own gymnastic sequences. They will take turns, work in pairs and groups while also working solo. They will work on their core strength, balance and overall control of their body.


Fine motor skills - coordination


The children will practice repeated skills in different contexts to improve their coordination. Their creatively will be pushed through creative paired work, and their ability to coordination their body with a range of equipment and apparatus will also be challenged.




The children will explore how to compose music, as well as building on their performance skills already practiced the previous term. They will begin to write music, considering the pulse of the music, while also creative different rhythms to fit the beat/pulse. They will use a variety of instruments to explore this, while also using the voice at a n instrument in its self.




Discussion points covered in our PSHE this term:

  • Family, Community and Participation
  • Individual liberty
  • Faithfulness and Integrity
  • Compassionate and Loving
  • Confident in self and own ability
  • Multicultural Focus- World Religions
  • What Am I Feeling?
  • What Am I Looking At?
  • I Am Thankful!
  • Life Cycles
  • Family and Relationships Lesson 8 Change and Loss