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Autumn Term Curriculum


Here is our curriculum overview for the Autumn term: 

Our RE units this term are Belonging, Reconciliation and Advent. Through the theme of belonging, we will study the Sacrament of Baptism. We will also learn how Catholics celebrate their belonging to the family of God through the celebration of Mass. Our next unit is ‘Reconciliation’. This unit allows us to explore human choices, the consequences of sin, Christ’s teaching on forgiveness and the Sacrament of Reconciliation. During our Advent unit, we will be learning the Bible stories of the Annunciation and Visitation. We will develop our understanding of Advent as a time to prepare for Christmas and reflect on Christ being in the world.


The children will begin the Autumn term with a baseline writing task, giving them an opportunity to write creatively using their prior knowledge of writing techniques and grammatical choices. 

Afterwards, children will focus on developing their understanding of grammar and punctuation through the Grammarsaurus Place Value unit. This will allow the children to gather the English language skills which they will need within their writing across the academic year.

We then have a range of opportunities to write in a variety of genres and different view points.
The genres we are covering in Autumn term are:
- Instructions

- Non-chronological report
- Recount: Letter


We will model a detailed writing process in our own writes, beginning with analysis of the genre, followed by exploring the grammatical skills that will add to the genre's effect. We then move on to a detailed writing experience, including drafting, editing and publishing our writing. Reading is also essential to the writing process. We will have regular opportunities to read for pleasure, read for understanding - through comprehension, and read for fluency via our PALS reading process. 



Throughout the term we will be covering the following units:

Unit 1 - Place value within 1,000
This unit builds on the place value work in Year 2. We begin with learning how to count in 100s and learn that a 3-digit number is made up of some 100s, 10s and 1s. We will be able to represent this in many ways (for example, on a place value grid with counters or in a part-whole model).


Unit 2 - Addition and subtraction (1)
We begin by exploring addition and subtraction gradually, by considering in detail the adding of 1s, 10s and 100s separately. We then explore the need to exchange where addition or subtraction may cross the next place value column. This unit focuses heavily on the use of efficient mental strategies to answer problems.


Unit 3 - Addition and subtraction (2)

This unit develops a depth of understanding of the key skills of formal addition and subtraction through place value, checking strategies and mental methods. We will use our growing understanding to explore calculations which do or do not require exchange, developing fluency, accuracy and confidence in our ability to perform these calculations.

Unit 4 - Multiplication and division (1)
In this unit, we begin by showing our understanding of equal groups. We then take time to look at arrays and how we can show two different multiplications. This unit also provides the opportunity to recap multiples of 2, 5 and 10 and explore if a given number is a multiple of one of these numbers.


Unit 5 - Multiplication and division (2)
This unit builds on recognising equal groups. We will explore in depth each of the times-tables that we need to know in Year 3, encouraging rapid recall. We then move on to look at when division problems may have a remainder of sorts. (Although a full understanding of remainder is not essential in Year 3, we do need to have a basic understanding of it). Afterwards, we will focus on problem solving, and using the bar model to represent simple one-step multiplication and division problems.


Our science lessons this year will be taught by Miss Swinson. This term we are learning about animals (including humans). We will begin by exploring the human skeleton and the muscles attached to our bones. We will learn how these support, protect and allow humans to move. Investigations will also be carried out during the unit: for example, do you think people with longer arms/legs can jump further? If so, why? Afterwards, we will explore how different animals have different skeletons and how this supports them. Our learning then turns to nutrition and diet. We will gain the understanding that humans get the nutrition they need from what they eat and that in order to stay healthy, we need a balanced diet. We will then use our prior learning to look at how animals have different diets depending on where they live and what kind of animal they are.

Our art lessons this year will be taught by Mrs Gidman. Throughout the Autumn term, we will be studying the work of British sculptor, Anthony Gormley. We will use inspiration from his work to create a range of exciting artwork, particularly focusing on observational drawing and water colour paintings. We will then design, make and evaluate our own Gormley-inspired sculptures using clay. Finally, our learning will turn to Wedgewood who use clay to manufacture fine china and luxury accessories which are distributed world-wide.


Our first DT unit is based around creating structures. In this unit, we will learn to recognise how multiple shapes (2D and 3D) are combined to form a strong and stable structure. We will learn how to construct 3D nets and use our knowledge to design, make and evaluate our own castles. In the second half of Autumn term, we will be focusing on electrical systems.

Our MFL lessons this year will be taught by Mrs Mertz. We will commence our Spanish journey by learning how certain sounds are pronounced differently in Spanish to English. We will learn which countries around the world speak Spanish and how we ask people how they are and what their name is. We will also learn numbers to 10 and the names of different colours.


Our learning in Geography is focused around trade in the UK.
Here are some of the enquiry questions we will be exploring this term:

- What is trade?
- What is a supply chain?
- What happens to the finished product? (Fieldwork - visiting a local supermarket).

- What are the UK’s main exports?

- How far is our local area from Wedgewood?
- Why is Wedgewood located in Stoke-on-Trent?
- Where does Wedgewood export to?

- What is Fair Trade?
- What does Fair Trade help to do?

Here are some of the enquiry questions we will be exploring this term:

- How do we gather information from different historical sources?
- How has Stoke on Trent changed over time?
- Transport has developed and become more efficient over time. How many different types of transport would there have been a long time ago? 
- Josiah Wedgwood was instrumental in the development of transport in Stoke on Trent. How did he contribute to changes in transportation?
- What is a slave? Who was the most important individual in the abolition of slavery?
- The Industrial Revolution was a period of great change in  Britain, which lasted from around 1750 until around 1900. The Industrial Revolution introduced new machines, new industries and new jobs...even for children. So, how was life different in the 19th Century to now?

We begin our computing lessons by learning how to log in to Chromebooks. We will also explore the new technology we’ll be using in and out of the classroom throughout the year, such as Century Tech and TTRS. Afterwards, we will focus our attention to Online Safety. We will learn that passwords should be kept private and that not all information on the internet is true. We will then reflect upon our own experiences thinking about the games we play online and any dangers which may arise. We will understand that age restriction symbols tell us who the content is suitable for e.g. Which ratings should you look for when watching films or playing games? Who can you tell or report a problem to?



Our PE lessons will be on Wednesday and Friday afternoon. This half term, we will be focusing on handball and swimming. Swimming lessons will take place on a Friday. Please ensure that your child brings a swimming costume (no baggy swim shorts), towel and swimming cap into school on Fridays. All children are required to wear a swimming cap. You can find the letter with more information here: Letters to Parents.
