School Logo

Year 1


Miss Rawle, Mrs Shaw & Mrs Shingler 


Some useful information- 

  • PE is on Wednesdays and Thursdays, please make sure full PE kit is in school. 
  • Please have a named water bottle in school at all times
  • Please make sure all uniform and PE kit is clearly labelled 
  • Homework will go home on a Wednesday and be due back the following Wednesday
  • Spellings go home on a Tuesday and will be tested the following Tuesday. This wont start until after October half term and more information about how we do this in Y1 will be sent home (please don't worry about them!) 
  • Children are welcome to bring in their own pencil case for use in lessons but this is not expected and I will provide everything they need to access all lessons. If they do want to have their own then they might like to include pencil crayons, highlighter, sharpener, glue stick and ruler. 


Our 2024/2025 timetable- 

 Photographs of our learning
Click on the camera below

Our Year 1 Homework Timetable
2024- 2025
