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Thursday 14th January

Look at the timetable and scroll down to find all of today's lessons!

Literacy with Miss Mason - Thursday 14th January

Still image for this video

Thursday 14th January - Maths - Add ones using number bonds (1)

This maths lesson is split into two parts - one video today followed by one tomorrow. Please work through today's video below and then complete questions 1, 2, 3 and 4 on the sheet (please do not complete Q5 & 6 as this is tomorrow's learning). Once you've finished, send a photo to me via Class Dojo Portfolio. 

Add ones using number bonds

Still image for this video

Art - Thursday 14th January

Design & Technology - Thursday 14th January

Please click on the link and watch the video all about food hygiene: 


Once you have done this, complete the worksheet attached below...
