At St. Thomas' we understand that it is perfectly normal for all children and young people have their ups and downs and experience all kinds of thoughts and feelings as they grow up.
There are many different kinds of problems and worries that get in the way of children and young people growing with enjoyment, happiness and confidence; this is what we mean by emotional well-being.
Problems vary in how serious they can be. For some children and young people the problems may pass quickly, for others their everyday lives are greatly affected and they may need extra help over and above what can ordinarily be provided by their families, relatives and friends.
Within school, we offer a 'Be kind to you mind' drop in well-being club on a Friday lunchtime.
Children can also speak to their class teacher or TA or any member of staff within school that they feel comfortable with.
For children needing further support, we also are fortunate enough to have staff trained in specific emotional well-being programmes.
*Rainbows - staff are trained so they can deliver support groups for children who have experienced a significant loss in their lives. This may be due to the death of a loved one, or family breakdown/separation.
This programme helps children cope with their grief and feel less alone.
* ELSA (Emotional literacy support assistant) An educational psychology led intervention for promoting the emotional well-being of children and young people.
Below are links to many different support networks that can also be accessed by parents and children.
Mental health tips

Y2 explored how to promote positive mental health and created a video of tips for everyone to enjoy!
We all have mental health

5 ways to wellbeing