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Special Educational Needs

St. Thomas’ Catholic Academy - SEND Statement



At St. Thomas’ we value the uniqueness of all our children. All staff offer a safe, warm and welcoming learning environment that encourages learning. Inclusion at our school recognises a child’s right to, and provides for, a broad, balanced, relevant and challenging curriculum appropriate to their individual abilities, talents and personal qualities. We are committed to making our best endeavours to meet the special educational needs of pupils, ensuring that they achieve the best possible education. Every teacher is a teacher of every child, including those with SEND. We identify all children across the school that need special consideration to support their physical, social, emotional or intellectual development.


If any child has additional needs, the Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENDCO), Mrs Lindsey Gidman,

in consultation with teaching staff, parent and child will formulate a plan to meet the child’s needs. These plans and the needs of individual child are regularly reviewed and modified where necessary with consultation with parents, child and outside agencies if necessary. Sometimes, this plan may be developed, as a means of providing the right kind of help within a specific focus. The teachers at this school are committed to providing a curriculum to match the range of learning needs in every class. We also acknowledge that some children are exceptionally ‘gifted’ and we will encourage them to develop their potential.


If you have any questions please speak to the SENDCO 

Mrs L Gidman

SEND Policy

School accessibility report 2023

Equality policy

AOT have just started their own Facebook page.


Click here to access it.

On 1st September 2014, the Children and Families Act 2014 introduced a new framework for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) representing the biggest shift in SEN for 30 years.



Dyslexia Friendly School

A Dyslexia Friendly Classroom
