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Mission and Aims

Our mission and aims are at the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an environment which prepares our pupils as confident, happy citizens.
     Mission Statement

Being truthful to our Catholic faith and learning to have the courage to follow the path that God sets for us.

Painsley MAC Mission Statement

     Through our Catholic faith we grow in the love of God and each other; we show respect in our words and action;

     we serve our communities and the world; we learn to be the best we can be; becoming better together as children

     of God.


School Aims

St. Thomas’ Catholic Primary School aims:

- to educate the whole child, morally, mentally and physically in co-operation with Parents, Church and State, and in accordance with catholic doctrine and principles in faith and morals.


- to provide a firm grounding in the Catholic faith creating an environment in which gospel values guide the children in their formative years and in which the quality of religious life and education is integrated into the overall education of the children.


- to make the education process as individual as possible, suited for each child.


- to provide a broad and balanced curriculum in which numeracy, literacy and oracy are given high priority.


- to provide opportunities for all pupils to take increasing responsibility for their own learning through a variety of teaching styles and learning experiences.


- to provide opportunities for each child to recognise achievement.


- to prepare children for the responsibilities and experiences of adult life.


- to provide a happy, secure and well-ordered environment in which effective

teaching and learning can take place.


- to provide a high quality of care and attention which is extended to all members of the school community.

Instrument of Government Ethos Statement

St. Thomas’ Catholic Primary School was founded by and is part of the Catholic Church.

The school is to be conducted as a Catholic school in accordance with canon law and teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, and in accordance with the Trust deed of the Archdiocese of Birmingham and in particular:

religious education is to be in accordance with the teachings, doctrines, discipline and

general and particular norms of the Catholic Church; religious worship is to be in

accordance with the rites, practices, discipline and liturgical norms of the Catholic

Church; and, at all times the school is to serve as a witness to the Catholic faith in Our

Lord Jesus Christ.
